Monday, October 20, 2014

Kirchhoff's Laws

First we tested Current and voltage for parallel and batteries in series. From this we were able to prove Kirchhoff's rules. But Before we started to measure we had to learn how to measure we were given ammeters and taught the notation for voltage(AC and DC), resistance (ohms) and Current (DCA amd ACA)

This is the derivation for Kirchhoff's rules in series and in parallel.
Next we were thought how to read resistors and how to calculate or see their uncertainty.

Here is an example problem using Kirchhoff's rules, things to keep in mind for Kirchhoff's rules are looking at the junctions (where wires meet) and to set you loops and current in a closed of circuit. It is also good to now that current our is the same as current going in for batteries.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Electric Potential Energy

Here we drew a few diagrams of circuits with light bulbs in series and parallel; From experimentation we found that the bulbs were brightest when the bulbs were parallel and the batteries were in series. we found them to be least brilliant when the batteries were parallel and the bulbs were in series. We also discussed switches and described what pole and throw are.
Here we define voltage as potential energy over q and we described potential energy lines.

This formula relates electric potential difference with potential energy work and the formal definition of work.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Today, we were introduced to circuits, we were thought how circuits are similar to rivers. First we had current, the flow of the electric charge measured in amperes. Then we had voltage, the electrical potential difference measure in volts. Then we found power, the ability to do work in watts. Next we went on to define Resistance as opposition to the passage of the electric current in ohms.

Here we define the current density (J), or current per cross sectional area (I/A) measure in amps/meter^2. Vd= delx/delt, I=delQ/delt. pn or charge density, charge/density. I=pn*Volume*q/delt. Therefore I=pnA (Vd * t) q /delt = pn*A*Vd*q
Note used on hw:(Finally J= I/A=pn*A*Vd*q/A = n*Vd*q.)

At the end of today we looked at wires and how their thickness effects the flow of electric charge (I). 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Electric Field Lines and Flux

E=kq/r^2 is proven to be true for point charges and spheres.
The surface are of a cylinder as well as its charge ratio.

Here we go ahead and find the electric field of a cylinder that is infinitely long.

Comparison of gravity to electric field