Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Today, we were introduced to circuits, we were thought how circuits are similar to rivers. First we had current, the flow of the electric charge measured in amperes. Then we had voltage, the electrical potential difference measure in volts. Then we found power, the ability to do work in watts. Next we went on to define Resistance as opposition to the passage of the electric current in ohms.

Here we define the current density (J), or current per cross sectional area (I/A) measure in amps/meter^2. Vd= delx/delt, I=delQ/delt. pn or charge density, charge/density. I=pn*Volume*q/delt. Therefore I=pnA (Vd * t) q /delt = pn*A*Vd*q
Note used on hw:(Finally J= I/A=pn*A*Vd*q/A = n*Vd*q.)

At the end of today we looked at wires and how their thickness effects the flow of electric charge (I). 

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