Monday, November 17, 2014

Osilliscopes 10/28

here we have an electron gun and we can see how moving the horizontal deflection plates and vertical deflection plates move the particle horizontal or vertical respectively.
Here we have an electronn passing through two plates a distance d apart with voltage V a distance L.
F=qE E=Vd F=qVd=ma a=qv/md and therefore we can find velocity after some time or distance.
Our work of the above problem.!

here we have a picture of our speaker connected to our function generator.
1.) sound of a sine wave output at 96 Hz.
2.) what happens to the sound when you change it to square or triangle
3.) what happens when you change the frequency.
4.) what happens when you change the amplitude
A sine wave function The y axis is measure in amps/division and the horizontal is measure in time/div

Square Wave

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