Monday, September 22, 2014

Electric Force

Chris Minaya, Michael Pryor, Andrew. Pete
Introduction: In this lab, we will observe the force between two charged objects. We will examine a video where a ball hanging from a string is slowly subjected to another ball that has the same charge.then the ball hanging from the string is repelled.
Here we derive an equation for the Force acting on the ball hanging from the string.

1.) Yes, we were able to tell immediately that it was an inverse relationship. Then by looking at the slope we figured it must be and inverse square due to the steepness of the graph.
2a.)  They are the same value, so the percent difference is 0. However our equation for the function does not accurately describe the function too 100%.
2b.) A=kq^2 => q = sqrt(A/k)= 5.25 * 10^-8
2c.)A=k(q/2)(q)=k(q^2/2) => q = sqrt(2A/k)= 7.43 * 10^-8 and q/2 = 3.72*10^-8
3.) No, we derived the force in the x direction from using a fbd and equations for static equillibrium. Since this is what we used for our force equation our force will only be positive since distance is positive (measure from origin). Hence the best we can do is find the absolute value of q.
4.)Uncertainty for force can be found, systematic error can be found for not accounting for the mass of the string string and small things like friction and minute spinning of the string. We also assume that acceleration is equal to zero.

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